Elect Fitness For President

President Election

We listened to the news, we put our two cents, we shared our thoughts on Facebook and tweet about who we’ll vote for, who will win and perhaps shared some of our thoughts as to why we believe this presidential election is awesome or just a game of bullshit.

Believe it or not, after the election is over, the time that everyone has to share or argue their beliefs about it, will probably be over as well.

Let me share a story. Yesterday I had a client come to me asking about my thoughts of the presidential debates. Of course having little knowledge on politics, I did not have much input. However, I did exhibit my thoughts as I had knowledge in fitness.

We must argue fitness, in terms of politics DEBATE Fitness.

Fitness for President!

How many times do you hear a debate about fitness or our worlds epidemic on obesity and improper dieting.

Not many!

Hi, I’m Fitness!

I am here for The People! The People who believe that I can make a Change! The people who will soon see how Obesity has ran such a poor world into debt, depression, and crisis.

As many of you know, Obesity has caused many issues.

He has caused you to sit in a couch all day, prohibiting you from doing physical activities. He’s caused you breathing problems and lower back pain. He has caused your aunt heart disease and your grandfather a heart stroke at which nearly killed him.

Not only that! Obesity has caused your mother diabetes and your uncle cancer. He has caused your father osteoarthritis and your child to develop chronic asthma.  And he will soon cause the heart problems and physical inability that will soon cause you to go to the hospital and volunteer to receive a bill of $10,000 dollars or more.

He has manipulated his way into becoming allies with Refined Sugar, Trans and Saturated Fat.

I am sure you do not want a leader of that kind. Do you?

On the contrary, I will not do that to you. I will keep you away from the hospital for reasons that Obesity admits you. I’ll save you money, and even improve your sex life. I am full of fun activities for all. I will be by the side of you, your family and friends.

You will save our economy. How? – By lessening the admissions to seek healthcare help because you’re preventing the issues by working with me.

You do not need to be afraid to shake hands with my allies – We all welcome you with an open door policy!

I will help you control weight issues and if needed, we’ll go to war with those bastards that Obesity supports. I will also improve your mood and boost your energy.

Let’s not forget about sex! Vote me as President and I promise you better sex with your loved ones for eternity.

I want to thank all of you for coming out tonight!

I got to MOVE. See you later!


More to be posted soon! Feel free to post your input. Like me on Facebook or Follow me on Twitter.

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